Wednesday, September 26, 2007

grand reunion

The self appointed committee ( that is what the girls call themselves ) are working very hard to ferret all " lost " clsers to attend the grand reunioun. Others , not on the committee are also doing their bit albeit "quietly".

It will be really great if we get more than 50 % of the former fifth formers to attend. Now , there are girls from the UK , Australia, Sri Lanka , Panama , St Maarten , Singapore not excluding the "locals " who are spread all over Malaysia.

It does not seem too long ago when we were a bunch of giggly school girls who would jump to attention at the sight of a Convent School nun. Now, we have grown . From 17 to 55. We have reached retirement . Many of our children have flown the nest. Some of us are grandmothers.

The years in between do not matter. What matters is , these girls are going to come together. Across the seas just to say "HI". Well , how is that for nostalgia ? Think about it....

Sunday, September 16, 2007

a milestone

It has been a long time since I thought of milestones. Milestones were there when we were growing up . Babies to toddlers to teenagers impatient to be adults. Dates & weddings. Next ,we apply the milestones to our offsprings. Now , the kids have grown & flown the nest. Yes, It has been a long time since we use that word on ourselves.

Empty nest syndrome... Working life coming to an end..... re-establishing ties with long lost classmates.... Yes, all these culminate to this new milestone of our lives. Retirement ?

Retirement , the word stirs a multitude of emotions. Postive as well as negative ones come flooding . Now, I am free ! free to do all the things I have always wanted to do but did not have the time . Well better start thinking of what to do......