Thursday, December 6, 2007

Life goes on..,,

More than a month has passed since my last post. I went to the Bali conference & back.

Meanwhile , Siti passed away on 30 th Nov . She was the double tranplant recepient. She sucumbed to infection following a double above knee amputation.

It was indeed heartening to see Tun 's healthy picture splashed over national newespapers. Then again, he was a very cooperative patient.

The girl from Timor leste "sponsored" by MM has been discharged after a succesful operation at IJN. She has made friends with Hui Yi , the double heart tranplant girl. Well done , MM. Your efforts have given new life to these girls.

Christmas is round the corner. Much has not been done yet - physically as well as spiritually. Got to be on my way .