Thursday, May 8, 2008


We have reached a stage in life when we experienced all that were told to us . The importance of people over material goods reigns above all. We appreciate our loved ones & our friends much more now than ever. Perhaps, we have enough to sustain our basic needs . We can afford to go up the heirachy of needs.

We can afford to think of the less fortunate & offer more in kind & deed. This is a time many of us retire. Some of us dread the impending loneliness when we may have nothing to do . Self -improvement classes add to "things - to - do "list . But , nothing will beat charity work to those who need it most. We were once in those straits. How much a "small" deed meant to us then !

After the celebrations of retirement farewells, it is time to face the reality of odds. What does life mean to me now ? What can I do to help those in need ? Then get into the act. Life will be more meaningful & happier.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

apprehension & euphoria

Today is may 7 2008.

So many happenings have come & gone. But the apprehension & euphoria still linger.

Apprehension that there are still ongoing sabotages at implementation level in the 5 states. This action is putting the previous governments in these states in very bad light. In the end the rakyat is being punished. What then is accountability & transparency ? It merely goes to show the selfish greed of the ex- ruling party. Disgusting . Arrgh..

Euphoria is still in the air. Our grand class reunion has come & gone. My , my ! What a GRAND reunion ! Ladies came from all corners of the world & all walks of life. Gay abandon was shown in the way friendship reconnected or established. Time is the only obstacle. To overcome this, there followed many mini reunions both in Penang & KL. Cameras were clicking everywhere . Pictures, evidence of the good times were shared to extend the feeling of euphoria. The pics are still coming in to the shared site. One thing is sure - the girls sure look young !