Friday, January 2, 2009

A choreful Sunday

The first Sunday of 2009 started on a dreary note. The sun hardly had a chance to show its glimmer. The gloomy skies set off a slow drizzle in the early morning into the rest of the day.

It was a day to stay indoors and laze in front of the idiot box. Alas, there was no show interesting enough for me to lounge there. I had thousand and one things to do. First , on the list was to clear out the son's boxes. I know this was a taboo chore. but, one gotta do what one gotta do. The boxes had been lying around for more than 2 years and they had been in the same state. Now, the son has a pad of his own . Well, now you see .

It took me the whole morning to filter through - keep and repack or throw. Quite a chore. My son has a wide interest and he has all sorts of items, books and magazines. Finally , all done by lunchtime. Whew! My aching back.

My chinese antique furniture will be delivered this afternoon. Another back breaking chore lined - up ?