Sunday, October 18, 2009

A new life

Apologies to all who have been following my blog. It has been an awefully long while since I blogged on this site. No reason except being plain "burnt out". My last entry was some 10 months ago. Enough time for a baby to gestate and be born. Hehe . Not that I will be able to do that anyway.
Talking of babies. There have been a lot among my colleagues in office. Two of them have just given birth in two different private hospitals, both by Ceasarian. Two others are pregnant, one in hospital today and another due in January. Few others are planning to have one each. One male colleague has been taking emergency leave. His wife is about to deliver too. Suddenly , I am surrounded by so much baby talk.
Among my classmates and previous colleagues,this topice has been long gone. Our children are getting married or married and have children of their own or going to.
How would it be to relive the era of babysitting ? Tiring , I am sure. But with that, the joy of feeling a new life in your embrace. The feelings of mothering will flood the granny's life and cause apprehension as well as youthful joy. New life , new hope.

Friday, February 6, 2009

The Silver state slivered

Perak in turmoil! News of the political status of Perak came through like some unbelievable drama that can only happen in countries with no democracy , no law or order. But, it is happening... right here in our so called fair and democratic homeland that used to uphold the rights of its people. Very disappointing, very demoralising. I have lost what little hope there is for the ruling party and ruler to act for the betterment of her subjects. The whole scenario points to the self interest of the one in power. Jungle Law - survival of the fittist. The one in power, the one who has the most wealth, the one with the say. Alas,alas.

Let us not forget the power of the Almighty. He will strike, when least expected at those who appear mightiest, who have been lashing out unjustly, at the common people. Common law ignored in the name of money. So who is the god we are worshipping? Let us not be hipocrites. We are only bluffing ourselves. MONEY , MONEY I LOVE YOU SO. YOU are my only GOD !! When elections come , we must see the wolves for what they are. Amen.

Friday, January 2, 2009

A choreful Sunday

The first Sunday of 2009 started on a dreary note. The sun hardly had a chance to show its glimmer. The gloomy skies set off a slow drizzle in the early morning into the rest of the day.

It was a day to stay indoors and laze in front of the idiot box. Alas, there was no show interesting enough for me to lounge there. I had thousand and one things to do. First , on the list was to clear out the son's boxes. I know this was a taboo chore. but, one gotta do what one gotta do. The boxes had been lying around for more than 2 years and they had been in the same state. Now, the son has a pad of his own . Well, now you see .

It took me the whole morning to filter through - keep and repack or throw. Quite a chore. My son has a wide interest and he has all sorts of items, books and magazines. Finally , all done by lunchtime. Whew! My aching back.

My chinese antique furniture will be delivered this afternoon. Another back breaking chore lined - up ?

Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Tomorrow is the first day of the year 2009. And yet there is not much to celebrate about. A heavy blanket of gloom is pulling us down. Economic woes are pending if not already here. What a dreary year 2009 is going to be ?

Even the predictions by the soothsayers are not encouraging. The picture they paint of 2009 is doubly gloomy.

But life goes on and we must rise above this gloom and make the most of whatever is coming. Who knows what our efforts bring. And we will make it as good a year as can be.

" With all its sham and drudgery, it is still a beautiful world. Be at peace with yourself. Be happy. "

Wise words indeed.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Brand promoters

Life is full of surprises. One will not be wrong to think that all promoters will be friendly and most unlikely to behave in a manner that can be called arrogant.Especially in a supermarket known for its excellent oriental customer service. I was utterly wrong. Allow me to relate my encounter.

I was at a supermarket in Balakong and my attention was caught by a promoter of a few bottles of a gel-like substance. There was a group of about 5 - 3 ladies plus 2 teenagers. This 60 + year old promoter was talking and pouring this greenish liquid for the 2 girls to sample , explaining its goodness to them. As I was also new to the scene, she then poured a reddish liquid into a sample cup and offered it with her left hand towards my direction without looking at me. Taken by surprise by my non-reaction , she then turned to look at me and said ,without a smile , that the sampling is for me. I was equally astonished. She expected me to drink this sample without telling me what it is. No , thank you, I told her.

I believe she has done a great disservice to her boss. She has turned away a potential buyer by her attitude. I wonder how she was chosen into this industry. or was it just a case of no takers because the remuneration is peanuts ? Nevertheless, she is more a liabilty than an asset . All interest has been erased by her irresponsiblity.

Earlier at another counter offering cereal sampling, the attitude of the promoter left much to be desired. A thirty something queried regarding one of the four cereal packets. She totally ignored this lady and went to prepare another type for her to sample with an air of " take it or leave it ". She then announced that she gives samples for every packet sold. The way she put that was so offputting. I feel sorry for her boss. Nevertheless, I will continue buying the product despite her. Because I have been taking this brand and I still like it.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Working hours.

A sort of career shift occurred. But, the effect from the shift came more from the change in working hours than the job itself. From shift duty to office hours can really upset routine that has been in place for decades.

Now, I have to battle jams on the return journey. Going to work early (like before) is no big deal. I get a smooth drive. Having lunch breaks has initially let loose my disciplined food intake. When I stepped on the weighing scale after a one-week leave, the reading nearly made me frantic.

It has been a month since the change. Now, I am back holding the throttle. I found a route that can take me home with the least hold on the brakes. I take the drive to listen to car radio - the music, the news and enjoy my new car. I let all the impatient drivers past me.

Used to having brunch at 10 am , I get very hungry when 1 pm comes. So, lunch tends to be heavier than the usual brunch. What more, with meetings where you get to nibble. Not so ,starting October. No more nibbling at meetings. Lunch back to brunch portions. The November reading should be encouraging.

I look forward to the weekends. Two days. Such luxury. I know I earn them. But, the longers hours we put in during our shift duties were not translated into days off. You get this feeling of injustice. Fighting the system was a futile effort. No one wanted to listen. HCOD should be put on shift. Things may change for the better for the shift workers.