Thursday, July 10, 2008

Low morale

It has been some time. There was so much uncertainty in the news. Anwar, Alantuya, PI Bala, SDs, threats, murders. What is the coumtry going into ? Not digressing into some lawless nation, I pray.

I thought the country was righting itself in many departments after March 8 2008. The present state of affairs is very unsettling, not only to investors but also individuals. Credibilty in the law enforcers seems to be a foreign word.

What is happening in the country as a whole seems to be affecting the GLCs as well. Incredulous siphonage of coffers drain a once prosperous establishment to zero. Benefits have been removed on a gradual but sure basis. Morale in the establishment has never been so low.

We can only pray this low national morale will not lead to extreme frustration. Riots and disillusionment will cause the individual & nation to fall apart. We have to watch our newly elected leaders to see what direction we are going.

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