Sunday, July 27, 2008

Retirement activities

I have been working at my "old " job on a new contract for a week . It does feel a bit odd though . I felt like I am a newbie on the job in many ways. It is a job that I have been most adept at . Yet , the feeling of the newness did not escape me. All my colleagues are the same; they treat me the same way. The place is the same. I know it is me. But, it does require getting used to the feeling that you are on a time limit.

Many of my classmates are not working anymore at this age. Fifty six , to me is still a very young age to stay at home & not contribute to society. I guess they have other ways to do so , & to their own satisfaction. Doing charity work , learning a new skill , having fellowships with friends , starting a hobby are some of the activities I have in mind. These are some of the things I am already doing. May be, add church work which I have put off for some time.

My job gives me a lot of satisfaction. I am happy to contribute to their recuperation & see the smiles on their faces. When work is over , I go home carefree. No homework to burden my free time.

Going on holidays & seeing places are also my favourite pastimes. Will be going to Chiangmai soon with hubby & friends. Looking forward to it.

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