Sunday, July 13, 2008

A much needed rest

Today I am officially retired. After 36 years in service, I can call it a day . I have been on leave for the past 10 days. There was no urge to go anywhere. ( I even turned down a friend's invitation for dinner a few days ago.) Only a desire to laze around the house & feel the ultimate luxury of time on my hands. Lazy to wash the car , lazy to go into the garden & pull the weeds, lazy to clear the store room. Just want to laze, laze & laze. I never had this feeling before. There was always something to attend to in the past.

But today , I feel rejuvenated. I can take any bull by the horns. I have started to do all that needs to be done . And knowing me, all will be done in day. Feels good to be on leave like this. All my previous leaves have been spent travelling to places I had always wanted to visit. It was hectic . I felt tired after those leaves.

Celebrated my birthday yesterday at a Thai restaurant quietly with the children. Kin was on call & was unable to rush back from Penang. Better not , with the fuel hike & the unsafeness of the buses. I was given a very thoughtful gift. Yes , the children have been well brought up , like Weng said. All these blessings from the Almighty. " Give thanks with a grateful heart "

Have received a few calls from friends sending good wishes.

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