Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Well, well , well . Finally , a charge is pending. For a most "infamous " leader. The past headlines in the news have been mindgoggling. Like reading some CSI . Except evidence not evidence, victim not victim, aggressor not aggressor. Looks like there is a great hand in the works. Wish I can read the producer's script. At the end of the day , let us ask " who stands to gain ? " May be, this will give us a clue.

Amidst all this turmoil, the economy will suffer. With it , the poorer strata of society. There will be more suicides from financial disasters & the like. Can someone really sleep on his pillow every night , pray to the almighty & preach the gospels & yet wrong his fellow man ? And bring misery to the masses ?

"What does it bring to gain the world & lose his soul ?"

I can only pray.

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