Saturday, August 30, 2008

National Day

Today is 31 August 2008.

It is a very significant date to all Malaysians . Today marks the 51 st anniversary of independence for Malaya. A day when all Malaysians came together to wrestle ruling power from the colonial masters. A day in history , poignant with pride & tolerance. What is it to the current generation of Malaysians ?

We have to ask ourselves this question ? From the recent events around the country , I can only draw the conclusion that many among us have no idea of the 1957 spirit that has been so well hyped. There are big companies displaying this so called spirit in their TV commercials. Alas, in their day to day practice , it was totally the opposite with an added clause - no questions allowed. Period.

On this day , Malaysia is past 50 as a nation. 51 years is not too long a time as a nation but not that short either. How has that initial spirit evolved ? Are we becoming more as one or more polarised ? What is the obstacle ? Who is at fault ? Is it the education system , federal law, family values, or plain GREED ? No equality because you are not equal to me although you & I can be born on the same day in the same hospital . Many more deficits but say no more. The basic human makeup has the inate ablity to rise above adversity & become stronger. Strange ,isn't it ? The oppressed get stronger & the favoured weaker.

Happy birthday, Malaysia !

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