Friday, September 5, 2008


September seems to be a universal active month. Remember Sept 11 ? My wedding anniversary is also Sept 11. This September seems to be set for many activities. A first overseas holiday for 48 Govt backbenchers. An expected tsunami, come 16 ? The tropical storms maturing into hurricanes raging America. Earthquakes recurring in SW China. And many more firsts - upheavals and declarations.

Wow, it takes a strong stomach to be able to digest all these gut reeling news. Especially the local news. We must give "credit" to the Executive for not forcing the clamps. Or can he ?

The fraternity of bloggers are euphoric over this new found medium of freedom and is adamant in maintaining it. Rightly so. The boundaries are set by the values of each individual. So, let us hope the upbringing of the person is something that we can marvel at , or at the least, respect.

September is the fall season. Some will find this fall a rise.

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