Thursday, October 18, 2007

celebrity status

ICU is back to the normal " rat race " routine . The tidal flow has resumed.

Langkong has been transferred out to the normal ward yesterday. He appeared to be coping well. One ICU girl still has to be up there to monitor him.

Our little celebrity is beginning to live it up. She gets a minor make-up session a few times a day. Hui Yi has been on the mask again. The tube is out for more than 24 hours. The newspapers are showing outdated pics. She is able to order her meals. She is continuing her physio well with the assistance of Aleena. Looks like she too , is ready for exodus. Her parents are wonderfully supportive.

Very soon, this saga of celebrity patients will be over.

We really hope the effort given to these celebrities can be repeated for each & every patient who comes in.

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