Tuesday, October 9, 2007

a time to celebrate

Now that the big man is out of ICU & the two transplanted patients are on the road to recovery, the muslim girls can look forward to celebrating Raya the usual way. Many were contemplating "balik kampung" months ago until....

Well, it is almost back to the normal Raya season. Only a few Muslim girls will be around. The Indian & Chinese girls will have to slog it out with double shifts & missing their day off for the week. With acute shortage , this scenario appear to be norm.

Better management of human resources seems to be the only way out. Massive import of foreigners can create many socio - economic as well as health problems. This is now very apparent not only in the Klang valley but also in towns on the East coast!

Pay three workers to do one person's job or pay one worker double to do three persons ' work. Think about this.

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