Monday, October 15, 2007

Recuperation time

Raya has come & gone. For the Muslims , one can continue to share the celebrations with their friends for one whole month. One by one, the muslim girls are trickling back.

Over this season there is only a skeleton staff on duty in ICU. Fortunately , nothing "great" happened. Yes, " great " as in VVIPS or transplants.

Tun is recovering quietly in the VVIP suite. Syabas.

Langkong , the lung transplant man is behaving normal once again. He bathes in the bathroom. Go for his daily walk around the ICU. Eats normal food & watches AStro in his free time.

Hui Yi has just been re- extubated but needs a BIPAP machine to help her breathe. She was still unable to cope well on her own. Her parents spend a few hours with her every shift. She is able to watch TV with them. Her progress is still slow but she should be able to reach a normal lifestyle.

Again, I pray that those involved will continue to work for her progress genuinely.

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