Wednesday, October 24, 2007

circle of life

It was one of those rare occasions . Like those " schoolgirl " days when a bunch of giggly girls get to go out , have lunch & window shop. Grace , KC & I managed to meet up a few days ago . We planned to try out a new outlet in the Gardens , MVM , followed by some shopping.

We had a simple lunch at Red Ginger at North Point. No fuss food with a easygoing ambience. Good for a meet-up . Starter was pie tee , reminding us of Penang. The dory fish with that mustard coloured sauce smelled so enticing that Grace changed her order immediately she saw , or rather smelled my plate . For dessert , we ordered "pulut hitam ", another nostalgia food.

Shopping was a great flop. We did not manage to get anything. Not the things we planned to buy. Out of stock was one reason. But mainly because we spent too much time browsing & choosing. We were enjoying ourselves so much with the feast of our eyes that we forgot the time. Alas , we needed to leave or be caught in the homeward jam.

Ah, those schoolgirl days ..... retirement IS the beginning of childhood dreams.

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