Wednesday, October 3, 2007

life worth living

Just visited a friend who has completed her last course of chemo . Diagnosed with 2 nd stage cancer of the breast a few months ago , Elsie was utterly devastated then. Yesterday , she was full of zest. She is impatient to get back to work. Very positive & very energised by the long MC, she says she is trying to live each day of her life to the fullest.

Sickness comes to all. You have an 82 year old in ICU trying to return to normal stream life ASAP. You have a 15 year - old girl with a mechanical heart for a year still patiently waiting for a donor. You have a refugee with 2 holes in the heart trying to get donations to get her heart repaired.

What is it in for us ? Why ? What then ?

Because of our aspirations, our hopes & those around us whom we love .

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