Monday, October 8, 2007

a step forward

The heart girl is into her 3rd day with the new heart. As a 15 the year- old she is very fearful of her next next step. She is scared she will lose it all if she makes a wrong move. All the docs around her are also very wary. The counsellors are cajoling , even lightly threatening her to take the next step forward. She is about to take a breath on her own with her newly implanted heart . Without her big bag that has been her heart for the last one year.

Her parents who have been crying since she was admitted into the ICU, now beamed with joy. Hui Yi appeared normal despite several onslaughts. A failing heart , a mechanical heart , a rejected heart & now a new heart. In her journey , she has experienced a roller coaster of haemodynamics and spirit.

The divine intervention much talked about is still there with Hui Yi. She has the prayers of all Malaysians. Yes , all. The Hui Yi case has ascended all boundaries . Remarkable ,isn't it ?

1 comment:

carmeline said...

Let us not forget there are others waiting for a heart too. Please pray for them to be patient. They may ask " why she has 2 when they have none "